
Vehicle protection and advertising stickers

Eye-catching and durable stickers for your vehicle.

We offer a comprehensive vehicle sticker service – from design to production and installation. Our high-quality stickers make your vehicle an effective, mobile advertising tool. Printwell’s vehicle stickers are designed to endure demanding weather conditions, remaining durable and visually striking.

Types of stickers

Transform your vehicle into a moving advertisement or protect it from damage with a protective film – or both.

  • We provide high-quality vehicle wraps and stickers made to withstand harsh weather. With print widths up to 1300 mm, we create large, attention-grabbing designs. Vehicle wraps and stickers are ideal for personalizing vehicles and serve as durable, vibrant advertising solutions.
  • Protective film for your vehicle’s front and other vulnerable surfaces guards the paintwork against stones, dirt, and scratches. Our rock guard films offer excellent transparency and durability, preserving the vehicle’s original look while providing robust protection.
  • Perforated stickers are ideal for covering vehicle windows. These allow clear visibility from the inside while displaying full-size designs or advertisements on the outside. Perforated stickers are perfect for vehicle marketing, offering drivers a clear view while giving the windows a functional, eye-catching appearance.
  • We also offer registration plate print, ideal for marking vehicles at exhibitions and events.

Additional services for vehicles

Beyond sticker production, we assist with design, installation, and lamination.

We can help you customise or create a print file and, if necessary, find a suitable design.

Laminating print stickers increases the durability and quality of vehicle wraps, making them more weather-resistant and extending their lifespan.

Sticker installation is a precision job that we recommend you entrust to our professional installers. The installation service can be carried out in a warm  Printwell workshop or at your location

Place an order

How to turn your vehicle into a mobile business card?

Advice on applying informative stickers to your vehicle.

A vehicle is the ideal platform to promote your brand and provide information about your company’s services or products.

How and what to install on your vehicle?

  • Sticker advertising: Cover your car with a prominent and professional design that includes your company logo, contact details and important information.

  • Ensure visibility of the message: use legible fonts and colours that stand out from a distance.

  • Stand out with strong visuals and clear messages: Change the design to match seasonal campaigns.

  • Digital connectivity: include QR codes on the vehicle to provide interested parties with additional information from the website or social media.

  • Add relevant contacts: don’t forget to include the company’s phone number, website and email address.
    The promotional car helps to increase brand visibility and turns traffic into a useful marketing activity.

For more information, please get in touch with the Printwell team at info@printwell.ee.

Tehnilised nõuded trükifailidele

  • Meile sobivad failid: PDF, EPS, AI, TIF
  • PDF fail peab olema tehtud vastavalt standardile PDF/X:1a (2001).
  • Fail peab asetsema aluslehe keskel, lisatud 3-5 mm lõikevaru (bleed).
  • Kõik kirjatüübid peavad olema PDF faili kaasatud (embedditud) või teisendatud objektideks (curvitud).
  • Trükifaili värvilisus peab olema vastavalt tellimusele kas CMYKis või CMYKis koos trükisel kasutatavate Spot(Pantone)-Värvidega.
  • Kõik tekstid, lehekülje numbrid ja muud kujunduselemendid, mis ei tohi mingil juhul järeltöötluse (stantsimine, lõikamine, voltimine köitmine jne) käigus kaotsi minna, peavad asetsema lehekülje servadest vähemalt 3 mm kaugusel.
  • Piltide tihedus (resolutsioon) võiks olla 300 dpi, kuid mitte vähem kui 100 dpi (pildifail).
  • Köidetavate trükiste trükifailis peavad kõik leheküljed olema lehekülgede õiges järjestuses ühe failina.
  • Kui trükifail sisaldab RGB või Lab värve,  siis nende värvide automaatsel konverteerimisel trükikojas CMYK värviruumi võivad valitud värvitoonid tunduvalt erineda konverteeritutest. Sama kehtib ka SPOT värvide automaatsel konverteerimisel CMYK-i.